Fiber Expo Spring 2025
Saturday March 29th 2025
# 101 Introduction to Machine Knitting, Instructor Terri Martin Saturday morning 9:00 a.m - 12:00
# 102 Historical Textile Buttons, Instructor Mary Minney Saturday morning, 9:00 - 11:00
Sorry This Class is Canceled
# 103 Spinning with a Drop Spindle, Instructor Kathy Moskal Saturday morning 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Cost: $ 45.00 / Student
All Materials Included
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 8
Drop Spindles and roving are included for you to keep and will be supplied at class time. Using a spindle is a very economical
way to learn hand - spinning for a beginner. Drop Spindles are inexpensive to buy (relative to a spinning wheel) and also very
easy to make. Once you have mastered the spindle you will have learned the steps needed for spinning on the spinning wheel:
drafting out fibers, twisting the fiber into yarn, plying, winding up and storing the spun yarn. This is a very relaxed class!
I will bring a few spinning wheels you can try after class.

# 104 Explorations with Dye and Fiber, Instructor Nancy Macali 9:00 am - Noon
Cost: $ 95.00 / Student
All Materials Included
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 5
Don't have a lot of space to dye your fabulous fiber?!? Take this small batch dyeing course. You will learn to dye in mason jars
with acid dyes and Kool - Aid. You will dye and compare a variety of protein fibers, including smooth yarn, novelty yarn,
and comb top.
Materials Provided: Acid dyes, salt, citric acid, handouts/directions, wool yarn, notesheet, sample sheet, measuring spoons,
stir sticks, pan, electric tea kettles and hotplates.
Please bring to class with you: (12) 32 oz mason jars with lids, notebook, pen/pencil, plastic bag to transport wet items,
measuring spoons, old towel, rubber gloves, N-95 mask and measuring cup.
Saturday March 29th 2025 Afternoon Classes
# 201 Baltic Pickup on the Inkle Loom, Instructor Mary Minney Saturday Afternoon 1:00 pm - 3:00pm
Sorry This Class is Canceled
# 202 Skirting a Sheep Fleece, Instructor Kathy Moskal Saturday Afternoon 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Cost: $ 65.00 / Student
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 10 - 12
Learn how to skirt a sheep's fleece. Each student will get a sheep fleece to skirt or students can bring a fleece they have.
You will learn how to separate different grades for wool and different projects, even mulching your flower beds.
I will also demonstrate how I wash and dry a fleece and the equipment I use.
Students may bring an apron to class if they desire.

# 203 Dyeing with Professional Dyes, Instructor Missy Cushman Saturday Afternoon 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Cost: $ 65.00 / Student
All Materials Included
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 10
You will leave this class with an understanding of the Dyeing Process along with your own beautiful skein of yarn that you have dyed
yourself. After choosing a skein of yarn that will be a 100 gram skein of 463 yards. We will be using the variegated dying methods
with professional dyes to dye your skein. This is an all purpose yarn for you to use - What will you make??

# 204 Learn to spin using a Turkish Spindle, Instructor David Shepherd, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Cost: $ 85.00 / Student
All material supplied along with a Turkish Spindle
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 8
Learn to spin using a Turkish Spindle, Class price includes a Turkish Spindle and roving, that you will be using, and taking home with
you, You will learn how to set up the spindle, and how to draft, along with learning how to spin a single strand of yarn how to ply the
yarn to make it into a 2 ply yarn. This is a good class for beginners and intermediates. I will also have an online resource to share.

Sunday March 30th 2025
# 301 Market Basket with Cherokee Wheels, Instructor Kathy McMinn 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Cost: $ 75.00
All Materials Included
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 8
Make this large market basket with your choice of color. When the basket is finished you will add some decorative wheels to it
(these may be done at home). This is a nice large basket to hold lots of fiber. This is an all day class, but you will have time to shop
and have lunch.

# 302 Frog Legs Anyone??? Instructor Tina Etter 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cost: $ 70.00 / Student
All Materials Included
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 12
All legs and mouth, this is one soft and squishy. A 3D needle felting project done without any bones or armature at all.
Overall size is 12" to 16" Come learn stuff and have some fun!!
Bring to Class: Medium size sharp scissors.

# 303 Needle Felted Change Purse, Instructor Heather Macali Sunday Morning 9:00 am - Noon
Cost: $ 70.00 / Student
All Materials included
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 10
Learn basic needle felting techniques!. This half - day class will cover needle felting and the basic construction of a change
purse. The fiber, hardware and felting needles are included in the course fee.
Materials that will be provided: Wool fiber metal closures, purse patterns, glue cording, felting needles and directions,
Please bring to class: Embroidery scissors, flat head screwdriver ( small in length ) notebook, pen/pencil and leather garden
gloves are optional.

# 304 The Secret of the Dodecahedron, Instructor Greg Francisco Sunday March 30th
Cost: $ 45.00 / Student
Dodechadrons will be available to use and if interested able to be purchased after the class.
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 8
A dodecahedron is a twelve sided shape, each face being a pentagon. A Roman dodecahedron has the added feature of a knob
at each corner. About 200 of these mysterious objects have been found at scattered Roman dig sites around Northern Europe.
And no one know what they are or what they were used for The Romans left extensive written records on everything from natural
histories to business records, personal diaries to classical literature, political treatises to government records. But they left not one
mention of the dodecahedrons. In this class you will learn how to use the Dodecahedron, and go home with an original piece of art.
# 305 Learn to make a Turkey Wing Wisk Broom, Instructor David Shepherd 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $ 75.00
All Materials Included
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 6
Learn how to make a Turkey Wing Wisk Broom. All Supplies (Twine and Broom Corn) along with tools needed to make the broom
will be supplied by the instructor. (Tools are not included in the class cost but will be available to borrow during the class). After
you complete this class you will have a unique broom to take home.
Students will need to bring to class a good pair of tennis shoes and a bit of upper body strength for the tension of the twine.

# 306 Rug Hooking, Instructor Linda Harwood Sunday March 30th 2025 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Cost: $ 55.00 / Student
Material Fee: $ 35.00 Paid to Instructor before class
Skill Level: Beginner
Class Size: 7
Rug Hooking
This type of hooking consists of pulling strips of wool material through a backing to create a design. This class will open a whole new
art form in working with wool. this class will offer all that is needed to know to begin hooking rugs. Students will learn the art of
hooking rugs including information about backing, equipment and how to finish their kit, etc. We will start with a small kit that includes
a pattern on linen and enough had dyed cut wool strips to finish their project plus instruction sheets.
Students should bring to class: Small scissors, a 14 or 12 inch heavy quilting hoop, hook. If you do not have a hoop or hook some will
be available for you to use.

Fiber Expo, Swanton, OH 43558
© Cherreen Thompson, 2018 All Rights Reserved